How one of the lowest rated games of 2020 also has the only queer rep in the Fast and Furious series
Uploaded on: 20 Sept 23 | Last update: 19 Dec 24
[Minor spoilers for the films (up to F9) and Major spoilers for Fast and Furious: Crossroads]
The Fast and Furious series is well known, you know that silly series about impossible feats involving cars and broken physics laws and the general idea of "Family".
Now I love that series, I grew up on it, I think it has a lot of missed potential. And one day I will make a queer reading of the whole series. (To do so I started watching the movies with a friend, a feat that will probably take a couple of years since we don't live close by.)
I've also been consuming other related content, specifically Gender Reveal's 2 Trans 2 furious- a zine about the Fast & Furious franchise and also gender, made by 40+ trans writers and artists. And while I haven't finished it yet I can easily tell you this had some of the greatest writing I read this year. Maybe consider getting a copy.
In that booklet one of the pages talks about Cam, the only canonical nonbinary character in the whole franchise, that only exists in the delisted game known as Fast and Furious: Crossroads. Let's talk about that.
Look at me and tell me it doesn't look like a mobile app.
Fast and Furious: Crossroads (which I will only refer to as Crossroads from now on) is a game released on August 7, 2020, for Windows, xbox one, and playstation 4. developed by Slightly Mad Studios, and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment.
It was immediately hit with absolutely negative reviews (or as wikipedia puts it “generally unfavorable”), the game was so bad that Bandai Namco delisted it from all platforms by the end of April 2022. (no official reason was actually given but it is fair to assume that it played a part).
If you google “worst rated games of 2020” you will stumble upon several websites with varied lists, while the position of the game changes, Crossroads is always on that list.
On the date I am writing this (september 2023) if you go on steam you see that the game is unavailable, and surprisingly the reviews are mixed and not bad, the surprised decepets when you see that a lot of “positive” comments are something along the lines: “I was going to leave this a negative review. But you don't do that to family.” (quote from steam user Lord Bork).
This is how I found it a couple of weeks ago, and my curiosity beat me. I (through some alternative means- if you know what I mean) downloaded the game to see exactly how bad it is, and on a more personal note, how the nonbinary representation stands.
(shoutout to the one person seeding this game in the year 2023 you are the love of my life).
The 2020 graphics that buffled gamers even before release.Gameplay ~
(as copied from steam): “Caught up in a dangerous world of organized crime, three small-time garage owners find themselves at a crossroads. In a quest for vengeance, their destinies collide with a cast of familiar faces who share the same adversary.”
The game’s plot is actually set in the movie timeline, between the 8th movie (the Fate of the Furious) and the 9th movie (F9), with some connection to Hobbs and Shaw (a spin off that I don’t remember anything about even if I am sure I watched it) It is a sort of a bridge game.
All of this to say, the plot is canonical due to being somehow connected to stuff that happened before but also since it's a fast and furious game, it doesn't matter.
I will not break down all of the plot, mostly because I forgot all of the details the second I finished the game and nobody else on the internet cares enough about this game to write a synopsis. But I will explain some of it in the next section.
Gameplay experience (and why it sucks)
start before you even download it, being over 80 GB in size, for a short, linear campaign, with no freemode option, and a side multiplayer mode that nobody ever played- it is not fun.
At launch crossroads cost 60$. Spoilers for the rest of this section- the game is not worth 60$.
You start the game, as our favorite bald man- Dominic Toretto- voiced by Vin Diesel. Only to be confronted by prompts for an xbox gamepad. I am playing on pc, so that’s a bad start. I plug in my PS4 controller, it doesn’t recognize it, I open DS4windows, it doesn’t recognize it, I open steam big picture mode, THE GAME DOESN'T RECOGNIZE THE CONTROLLER.
Okay no controller, why are the prompts for an xbox controller then? going to the settings reveals that that is how the game is, the controls setting does not show you keyboard binds anywhere. In fact the only place the game acknowledges that a keyboard should exist is in the menu, which does have the correct button prompts. This is such a lazy port.
(After finishing the game I checked out gameplay for the ps4 version, it had ps4 button prompts, but can you imagine how funny it would be if it also had xbox prompts as well.)
This is a screenshot from the pc version.
Fine, using the internet it is, I found a steam forum post with the button list given out by a user which then added “I think I randomly hit the handbrake and rear view keys a few times but haven't bothered to find which keys they are.” which is so fair my guy. There might be secret buttons pc gamer will never discover for this game.
So we can finally start the game! You, Dominic Torreto, and your friend Letty Ortiz (voiced by Michelle Rodriguez <3) are chasing some criminal who is plot significant to some degree. After flipping some enemy cars, a bigger car starts using a flamethrower on you, at that point you are prompted to switch characters, and you discover each car has a special ability, Letty’s current car is a harpoon, which you need to mash F in order to pull fuel tank of the big fire-y car.
I am sure making me do a task while I am driving, using a button that is so close to the driving buttons, will not prove to be annoying… anyway
After that mission you meet Vienna Cole (voiced by Sonequa Martin-Green) and Cam Stone (voiced by Asia Kate Dillon). Cam uses they/them pronouns, making them the only nonbinary character in the franchise, I will elaborate about it later. Together they work as vehicle recoverers in Barcelona. They also live together.
Vienna (left) and Cam (right).
Here the next major problem of the game happens, most of the cutscenes just didn’t work for me! They would start fine, freeze, and after the time the cutscene should have played for passes, the next gameplay scene would start. Sometimes the cutscenes would just skip completely, and the only reason I noticed it’s because there was a jump in the story that made no sense otherwise. In order for the game to make sense I played with “FAST & FURIOUS CROSSROADS All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD” opened on my phone so I could watch the parts that did not work. I don’t think I need to tell you this is a bad gaming experience.
So you meet Vienna’s boyfriend, who got involved with the local mob, and will die in like 3 missions. You also find out Vienna hasn't raced since “something” very bad happened the last time she raced, and that’s why she (and notably, Cam, who had nothing to do with that) fled from Miami (and the USA at large) to barcelona.
The gameplay is often criticized for being boring, and while I don’t disagree, I don’t think it’s that bad. The world sometimes tries to trick you into thinking it is an open world but it is dreadfully linear. Most objectives are “get from point a to b”, without there being anything really to make that a challenge. To the merit of the game, all of the drives are filled with well paced character chatter, the dialogue isn’t great but at least it’s fitting the format.
The dialogue would become a problem only if you have to repeat certain sections over and over again, and I am sure that doesn't happen often - haha.
After like the midpoint of the game, at which point I wasn’t sure you could fail a mission, I started failing missions. Some because, well, sometimes you lose, some because the instructions of what I need to do are unclear, and some because of missions I am not sure how the game wanted me to be able to clear any faster. So I had to hear the same lines again and again and again and again.
Also remember that there are cars with special abilities? Let's talk about the worst one.
Cam is a hacker, that is part of their trans swag. So they can try hacking enemy cars. and when you do you get a dead by daylight style minigame, like a circle that has a little colored part in it moving around and when it reaches a glowing section you need to click it.
Who the hell told the developers that the best minigame to put in a driving game where I need to look at where I drive, is one where I need to stare at a circle instead, depending on the difficulty you’ll need to do it up to 3 times in a row. and if the car you're hacking gets out of your line of sight well bad luck bucko you failed the hack now wait for your cooldown.
I hate this stupid circle.
So near the end of the game you, as Dom, get missile launchers mounted on your car (one of the better abilities in the game), which you use to shoot at a nasa-esc space rocket, since it has a satellite on it with a device that will disable all american technology… or something along those lines.
The rocket topples over. and you (Dom, Letty, Vienna, and Cam) race the rocket as it zooms on the ground on its way to crush into a city. you switch between the characters to use their special powers to slowly disassemble the giant rocket.
it’s kinda annoying, on a certain part I kept running out of time, several times I managed to do the thing the game wanted me to do at the same time as the “ran out of time” scene was supposed to play, so I would hear “great job!” as the game reset the section.
In case you missed it the giant rocket you're chasing iד on the right.
To make it more fun I decided to read this whole thing as foreshadowing for the fact that in F9 they send a car into space. just a bit of a build up from here to space.
You stop the rocket, get a scene of Dom telling Vienna and Cam they are part of the Family now, and the game ends.
Some multiplier specific complains
Well, there isn’t any- multiplayer that is, not complains. The game mode exists, several game modes exist actually, but by looking at the comments it is clear that even at launch there was nobody online. You need 9 players for a match, good luck finding one.
I even found some comments talking about having special groups to find enough people to play the game, mostly in order to complete the achievements. Props for the dedication.
Got this thumnail from a video by someone called Kingdom Twelve.
The game launched with a 30$ dollar season pass, and later on, (when, based on an article I found, there were only 2 daily players on steam) some cosmetic dlcs, which you, of course, can only use in the multiplayer mode.
I think it is fair to say that these days the pass and the dlc are worth and were always worth- absolutely nothing.
I assume the online servers went down when the game got delisted. As I acquired it through "alternative means" the multiplier aspects would probably not work for me anyway. I did customize a car with deluxe edition decals, but most of the customization you would unlock by ranking up in the online mode. so this was the point to say bye to the game.
Wasn’t this about queer rep?
One of the missions has you as Cam racing through New Orleans, on one section of the race track you can see the streets decorated with rainbow flags and banners. On your second lap of the place Cam says “Remind me to come back here for pride- this place is amazing”
Not to defend the game but I swear it looks better when you're playing it.
What is so striking about this? Well here is a short list of all of the acknowledgement in the FCU (fast and furious cinematic universe) up until F9:
In the first movie (The Fast and the Furious) one of the characters says the f-slur,
the exchange goes like this: (click to open)
Vince:Why don't you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a cheese and fries for 2.95, faggot!
Brian:I like the tuna here.
Vince:Bullshit a**hole, no one likes the tuna here!
Brian:Yeah well I do.
(I don't know the common opinion about this but this is a funny ass exchange)
While this isn't representation, here a character acknowledges that gay people do exist in this physics defying universe. This is not the nicest way to go about it but it is important to establish that.
During the various movies there are 3 parties in which, in order to show us it is a cool party, puts two random girls kissing in the background. and while I agree that sapphics are very cool, this isn't much for representation.
That's all folks.
(the inherent homoerotism of the franchise doesn't not count but It cannot go unmentioned- so here I am, mentioning it.)
Now not only do we have a pride parade that is unavoidable if you play through the story, we also have a nonbinary main character. A character whose identity is never questioned. Who is referred to by the correct pronouns even by strangers. Who is played by a nonbinary actor.
We went from “we cannot say for sure gay people exist in the FCU” to Dominic Torreto a.k.a Vin Diesel, basically the dad of the franchise in universe and in real life, adding Cam to his capital F Family. he just straight up says that in the end of the game!
Found family is inherently queer to me, however to the FCU the concept of family has been memed to death. The movie saga is built on the idea of Family and corona beer. And queer people are officially invited to the BBQ.
There isn't actually a bbq in the game it cuts to black after that.
Headcanon- I read Cam and Vienna’s relationship as queer platonic
my reasons are as follows:
While they are roommates, it is not like two besties that decided to live together. They have a background together.
After the race in New Orleans Cam is celebrating their victory. And Letty and Vienna are having a conversation on the side: (I am copying the subtitles off a 360p video I hope someone appreciates my work)
Letty:”Where’d you find Cam, anyway?”
Vienna:”Y’no I’m realizing now, I think they found me”
“I was 10, they were a few years younger. They were new to the neighborhood. And their parents constantly left them alone. And one night I caught them trying to get into my house- they were scared, they… just wanted someone to play with.”
“I guess I could have yelled for my parents. But they were crying so we just played, talked about cars. And after that we hang out all the time.”
“We’ve been through a hell of a lot together”
Letty:What about their parents?
Letty:"Let's grab the (something something mission related there is no reason for me to transcribe this part)"
Girl talk
Vienna flees the country after she thinks she indirectly caused the death of several racers (It’s a whole thing I don’t feel like explaining), Cam follows her. You don’t become a fugitive from the law just for any friend. You don’t uproot your life for a place you like less than your original home for someone that doesn’t mean a lot for you.
The last point is a lot more subjective, when Vienna is having a conversation with her boyfriend at her (and Cam’s) home, the topic gets heated (Finding out your boyfriend is secretly involved with the local mob does that to a conversation), then boom, Cam enters the room.
Cam seemingly walks into a couple talk, but it isn’t presented as weird, this doesn't feel like an overly attached bestie, or a third wheel - that is just where Cam belongs.
When they ask what is going on, the boyfriend says to Vienna “well you may as well tell them”. There is not a second where someone in the room thinks that Cam is not a part of conversation now.
And when Vienna starts explaining the problem and possible solution, she starts talking in “We” not as in her and her boyfriend, but “we” as in Cam, vienna, and her boyfriend. The problem is immediately the problem of everyone- not in a “Throwing my problems at you” but in a “this is a unit that works together, do not separate”.
Me, my girlfriend, and her queerplatonic life partner or however the meme goes
So yeah, queer platonic in my heart.
Also screw the fast and furious wiki I stumbled upon when researching that has Vienna’s and Cam listed there but the only info is voice actors and the next two lines respectively “Vienna Cole is the sister of Cam Stone” and “Cam Stone is the best friend of Vienna Cole.” y’all know nothin.
Okay now that we’re done with the main topic here are some stuff that I found along the way and I need to tell someone. we start with the question- so, why is the game like this?
If the question is why is it bad? Well, it is a cash-grab tie-in of a popular franchise. I am surprised people are surprised. It is not the first game in the franchise, and most of them did not get above a mixed review. I know people are like “but one of the developers worked on project cars and one of the needs for speed games before. how could that happen?” Not every game is a winner, games are made by a team and not a single man, and announcing it right before covid could not have helped.
Some sources say that it was also co developed by Vin Diesel's video game company Tigon Studios (who made Wheelman - a gta + fast and the furious knock off that got, you guessed it, mixed reviews) but was it?
Honestly I just wanted a reason to mention WheelmanI found this while researching and decided it needs to be here
The real question is - Who made this game???
Like I know who made this game, Slightly Mad Studios did. That's what wikipedia, moby games, and the credits of the game itself says.
Why does the wikipedia page of tigon studios say that they worked on crossroads, why are there random articles saying that?
When it comes to the articles- probably just poor research.
It doesn't even make sense, tigon studios hasn’t made a thing since 2013, people online aren’t even sure it’s a company, allegedly the last thing they posted is a facebook post in 2015, but I refuse to open facebook to check.
Tigon’s website even redirects to "", that funnily enough, doesn't even load.
This is a 2020 game, and I don’t know where this misinformation is coming from.
I guess that is fair to assume the game studio who’s description is “a company that focuses on games that feature or star the actor Vin Diesel”. But it is also wrong.
Another thing that has been eating my mind? The credits don’t list any writers, not a single writing role! Who wrote you game?! I know you didn’t pop out of nowhere! It's canonical! it connects to the movie before! Someone had to write all that dialogue! Tell me who wrote you!
My (calmer) friend said that sometimes when people work on something they aren't proud of (want to be connected to) they ask to be left out of the credits. I understand, and it is quite possible to have happened here. I just want to say to whoever is responsible for this out there- I am thinking about you.